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Selling a house with an expat broker

Selling a house is a lot of responsibility. It requires knowledge, experience, a lot of administration and a lot of time. If you are not well acquainted with the Dutch real estate market and when Dutch isn’t your first language, this may seem like a daunting task. Van Westrhenen Makelaardij will help you, guide you, translate for you, explain everything to you and take a lot of work of your hands. With us at your side you’ll know that everything will be taken care of. We will

  • arrange and perform viewings
  • make sure your buyers are informed about all the ins and outs of your property
  • make the sales contract
  • make sure that everything goes according to plan until the transfer of ownership and even after that.

Our customers are our motivation. We are here for you, in person, by e-mail, phone or WhatsApp.

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More than just a property

Your house is more than bricks, more than legal terms and more than the land it sits on. The sale of a house often marks the ending of one chapter in your life and starts a new one. This brings with it certain emotions, sometimes happy, sometimes sad. Van Westrhenen Makelaardij realizes this is an important part of selling a house. Our all-woman team takes the business side of your hands, knows how to deal with sensitive situations and sympathizes with both the good and the bad.

The best presentation on Funda

With 3.2 million visitors a month Funda is the biggest real estate website of the Netherlands. We make sure you have the best presentation possible with:

  • Professional photography
  • Interactive floorplan
  • 360 degree photo’s
  • Professional video
  • Professionally written text.

A complete presentation by a NVM broker makes sure you have a high ranking on Funda and reach as many people as possible.

Your house can be found everywhere

Reaching as many people as possible means the best result possible for the sale of your house. We provide you with:

  • All texts both in Dutch and English
  • Advertising on many different real estate websites
  • Payed promotion on Social Media (if wanted)
  • For Sale sign for local advertising
  • Advert in local newspaper
  • An outstanding and large network among brokers in Almere and people seeking a house.

Enthusiastic about our services? Please plan a free appointment with us!

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